MAY 17–1, 2022
FREE Virtual Event

This DIG will be highly interactive with speakers and virtual breakout sessions.
DIG brings the Federal creative community together to discuss latest innovations, issues, and business strategies to stay a vital federal creative community in government.

Register Today

DigitalGov University (DGU) is the Events Platform for DigitalGov. They provide a range of free online and in-person trainings and events for people and teams across the federal government. Many events highlight innovations, case studies, tools, and resources. All of our events are recorded and archived on our YouTube channel.

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Past Events

DigitalGov University (DGU) is the Events Platform for DigitalGov. They provide a range of free online and in-person trainings and events for people and teams across the federal government. Many events highlight innovations, case studies, tools, and resources. All of our events are recorded and archived on our YouTube channel.

June 10 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm, ET (Online)
Executive Core Qualifications – How to Assess, Achieve, and Demonstrate ECQs
Come learn all about Executive Core Qualifications. Cheryl Abram, Lead Evaluation for OPM’s Federal Executive Institute (FEI), will be discussing how to assess, achieve, and demonstrate ECQs.

June 11 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, ET (Zoom)
Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series, Episode 3: The Opportunity Project
The Opportunity Project engages government, communities, and the technology industry to create digital tools that address our greatest challenges as a nation. Learn how this initiative is making government data more accessible through cross-sector collaboration.

June 12 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, ET (YouTube LIVE)
Introduction to Search.gov
Come and learn all about Search.gov (formerly DigitalGov Search)! The site search for federal government websites.

June 12 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, ET (Zoom)
How to Develop an Agency Brand Voice That Connects With Customers Online
Come join the Plain Language community on the 12th of June and learn how to develop an agency brand voice!

June 14 @ 2019 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, ET (In-person, YouTube Live)
U.S. Government Open Innovation Summit: Transformation Through Citizen Science and Prize Competitions
Join innovators from across the public and private sectors for an event designed to highlight the potentialities and impact of crowdsourcing through citizen science and prize competitions in the U.S. government.

June 19 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, ET (In-person, in eight U.S. cities)
GSA Customer Experience Hackathon 2019
A day focused on designing a better customer experience with and within government.

June 25 @ 2:00 pm – 2:15 pm, ET (YouTube Live)
American Tech Series, Part One: Why Leave the Private Sector?
In part one of this multi-part YouTube Live series, learn how civic technologists work to better our government.

June 26 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, ET (YouTube LIVE)
DAP Learning Series: Agency Analytics Governance
We’ll talk to members of various agencies to find out how analytics programs and tools are governed at that agency.

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creatives for the count: census pride

Creatives for the Count – Census Pride

Join an afternoon create-a-thon to help Get Out The Count for members of the LGBTQ community! Click here for the invitation, details, and to RSVP.

When: Thursday, June 13, 12:00-5:00pm ET. (Lunch included, optional reception to follow.)

Where: Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center — 901 K Street NW Washington  

What:  Over the course of 5 hours, we’ll dive into targeted briefs from national and local LGBTQ advocacy organizations, connect with a diverse group of talented people, and collaboratively generate digital media and compelling messages that spread awareness about the 2020 Census to communicate the importance of a complete and accurate count in 2020 for the LGBTQ community.

Why: Check out the National LGBTQ Task Force’s Fact Sheet on why the Census matters for LGBTQ people. We want to make sure that organizations leading the way on 2020 Census outreach are equipped with great content that informs and inspires people to participate. As trusted voices, it is vital that grassroots and advocacy organizations’ efforts are amplified online to reach as many of their community members as possible.

#CreativesForTheCount matches creative talent (designers, copywriters, content strategists, videomakers, etc.) with grassroots and advocacy Get Out the Count efforts to help amplify their digital outreach capacity, with the ultimate goal of increasing response rates among the hardest-to-count communities that they serve.

Join: RSVP by June 7th, and share with stakeholders vested in a complete and accurate count for LGBTQ communities.

#CreativesForTheCount is a national event series led by the Census Open Innovation Labs at the U.S. Census Bureau. Creative professionals (designers, copywriters, filmmakers, digital strategists, etc.) work with organizations leading Census outreach efforts in Hard-to-Count communities to generate digital content, with the ultimate goal of increasing response rates among the hardest-to-count communities that those organizations serve.

Adobe Government Creativity Awards  | Submission Deadline: May 31, 2019

Celebrate your talent and showcase how you are supporting your organization’s mission through creativity and design. Submit your entry Adobe Creative Awards to the Adobe Creativity Government Awards, the world’s premier digital media competition for government professionals.

Submit Your Entry

2nd Adobe Creative Jam @ DIG USA is in the works for designers in government tournament  A celebration of community partnership, embodied learning and fun! Check out the Adobe Creative Jam @ DIG 2018 submissions at Jam Submissions  https://spark.adobe.com/page/410LjP6sR7sTI/  and the full Photo Gallery or just have some fun with the Photo Booth Gallery!

DIG is planning the 2nd Adobe Creative Jam for designers in government! 

Af community partnership, creative learning oppurunity and fun! 

Check out the Adobe Creative Jam @ DIG 2018 submissions at Jam Submissions 

June 12, 2019 | 9:00am – 12:30pm

HHS Innovation Day – Experience first-hand how new approaches and creative thinking can advance  work in government. The day will consist of talks, lightning presentations, and pitches from this year’s Ignite Accelerator teams.  For those in person, the day will also include a crash course in design thinking.

9:00am – 12:30pm join in person or via livestream.


June –  August

Virtual Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series This series is sponsored by the Challenge.gov program and facilitated by Digitalgov University.

Learn More at Challenge.gov

DIG CANADA May 14, 2019 in Ottawa was a hit!

Organized & hosted by:

John Jacobin | Design In Government
Craig Boassaly | Eliquo Training & Development, Inc. at Adobe Ottawa.